Pregnancy pains

Embracing the Journey of Motherhood Amidst Pregnancy Pains

As you nurture a new life within you, it’s natural to experience a range of physical changes. Pregnancy is a time of immense joy, anticipation, and yes, some discomfort. It is important to understand what is a common discomfort and when you should be reporting the same to your doctor. Through this article, Sonali Shivlani, pregnancy and parenting consultant from baby360degrees, is here to guide you through those common pregnancy pains that many moms-to-be encounter. In this article, we’ll delve into three key pain points: the notorious lower back pain, the twinges of round ligament pain, and the unexpected pubis bone discomfort. So, let’s explore how you can ease these discomforts and when it is necessary to report the same to your doctor.

    A. Easing the Weight of Lower Back Pain
Understanding Lower Back Pain
Lower back pain – this is something which every expectant mom is warned about. As your body undergoes changes to accommodate your growing baby, the center of gravity shifts, often leading to added stress on your lower back. Here are some suggestions which can help you ease this discomfort:
  1. Maintain Proper Posture: A slouching posture can exacerbate lower back pain. Stand tall and sit with your back well-supported.
  2. Exercise Safely: Engage in gentle exercises like prenatal yoga or walking to strengthen your back muscles. Always consult your healthcare provider before starting any exercise routine.
  3. Sleep Support: Opt for a pregnancy pillow to support your body while sleeping. Place a pillow between your legs to align your hips and reduce strain.
  4. Warm Compresses: A warm compress can provide soothing relief to achy muscles. Remember not to use heat therapy for extended periods.
 It is important to keep in mind that at times lower back spasms can be a sign of contractions. If you are yet to complete 37 weeks of pregnancy and have any other signs such as vaginal bleeding, excessive vaginal discharge, abdominal cramps, pain in the thighs etc., please get in touch with your doctor to rule out pre-term labor.

    B. Navigating Round Ligament Pain
Twinges and Stretches: Decoding Round Ligament PainThe round ligaments are like the gentle ropes that hold your uterus in place. As your baby grows, these ligaments stretch and sometimes cause sharp, fleeting pains. Here’s how to handle these twinges:
  1. Move Slowly: Sudden movements can trigger round ligament pain. Make a conscious effort to move slowly and avoid abrupt changes in position.
  2. Supportive Clothing: Opt for loose, comfortable clothing that doesn’t constrict your abdomen. A maternity support belt can provide additional relief.
  3. Changing Positions: When getting out of bed or changing positions, roll onto your side and use your arms to push yourself up. This reduces strain on the ligaments.
  4. Stretching Exercises: Gentle stretches targeting your hips and lower abdomen can help alleviate tension in the round ligaments.

  5. C. Tackling Pubis Bone Pain Pubis Bone Pain: An Unexpected ChallengeThe pubis bone, located in the front of your pelvis, might not be the first pain you’d expect during pregnancy. During pregnancy the hormone relaxin can cause the pubis bone to stretch more than expected causing an expectant mother to experience discomfort in this area. This discomfort is felt most when changing positions especially while lying down. Here are some suggestions on how to manage it:

    1. Symmetry is Key: Avoid activities that cause your legs to move unevenly or stretch your pubic area, like straddling or wide leg lifts.
    2. Rest and Posture: Take breaks to rest and avoid standing or sitting for prolonged periods. Use pillows for proper pelvic support while sitting.
    3. Kegel Exercises: Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles with Kegels can provide support to the pubic area. Consult a professional to learn proper Kegel techniques.
    4. Warm Baths: A warm bath can help ease pubis bone discomfort. Make sure the water isn’t too hot, and avoid adding essential oils without consulting your healthcare provider.
      Conclusion:Most expectant moms will have some or the other pain or discomfort during the pregnancy journey. By understanding and addressing common pregnancy pains like lower back discomfort, round ligament pain and pubis bone discomfort you can ensure a more comfortable and enjoyable pregnancy experience.Interested in signing up for a pregnancy support program? Register for our Pregnancy WhatsApp support on Baby360degrees and get expert and customised answers to all your pregnancy related questions.
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